2024.12.5.(THU) – 6 (FRI)
송도컨벤시아 그랜드볼룸(COEX)
2024.12.5.(THU) – 6 (FRI)
송도컨벤시아 그랜드볼룸(COEX)
“도시 혁신을 위한 모빌리티 기술”
행사명 | 글로벌 모빌리티 컨퍼런스 |
주제 | 도시 혁신을 위한 모빌리티 기술 |
기간 | 2024년 12월 5일(목) |
시간 | 10:30-16:40 |
장소 | 인천 송도컨벤시아 그랜드볼룸 |
비용 | 무료 |
프로그램 일정
Day 1. Thu
[Part.1] 글로벌 모빌리티 연구소 |
10:30 - 11:00 | 첨단 미래 모빌리티 기술 도약을 위한 한국 프라운호퍼 간 산업기술개발 협력의 기회와 비전 프라운호퍼 한태영 박사 | 더보기 |
11:00 - 11:30 | Vehicular Communication: Technologies, Standardization and Deployment – A European Perspective 프라운호퍼 Prof. Andreas FESTAG | 더보기 |
[Part.2] 스마트시티와 모빌리티 |
13:35 -14:00 | 부산시 통합모빌리티(MaaS) 방향성에 대하여 LG CNS 이영훈 단장 | 더보기 |
14:00 - 14:25 | 스마트시티 자율주행 모빌리티 이슈 아주대학교 소재현 교수 | 더보기 |
14:25 - 14:50 | Smart Cities on the Move 인하대학교 김정은 센터장 | 더보기 |
14:50 - 15: 15 | 스마트모빌리티 in Urban Environment 한국스탠포드센터박형채 디렉터 / 김효창 디렉터 | 더보기 |
[Part.3] 미래 모빌리티 혁신 기술 |
15:25 - 15:50 | 미래 모빌리티 PBV의 SDV 기술 방향 모트렉스 / 김재철 실장 | 더보기 |
15:50 - 16:15 | 자율주행 현재, 준비, 미래를 위한 도전 ! 에스유엠 / 박대혁 상무 | 더보기 |
16:15 - 16:40 | 인공지능과 자율주행에 기반한 미래 모빌리티 라이드플럭스 / 정하욱 부대표 | 더보기 |
첨단 미래 모빌리티 기술 도약을 위한 한국 프라운호퍼 간 산업기술개발 협력의 기회와 비전
1. Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technology and System, IKTS
2. Korea-Fraunhofer Collaboration Hub for Science and Technology, K-FAST
3. Korea-Germany Technology Cooperation Center for Global Value Chain
4. Fraunhofer-Korea Research Alliance in Support for Technological Innovation (KASTI)
Vehicular Communication: Technologies, Standardization and Deployment – A European Perspective
Andreas Festag is a professor at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt and with the research & test center for vehicle safety CARISSMA. He is also deputy head at the Fraunhofer Application Center »Connected Mobility and Infrastructure«. Andreas has worked on various research projects for wireless and mobile communication networks and published more than 100 papers in journals, conference proceedings and workshops. His research is concerned with architecture, design and performance evaluation of wireless and mobile communication systems and protocols, with a focus on vehicular communication and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). He is senior member of IEEE. Since 20 years he contributes to the European standardization of vehicular communication and Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS). He is working group chairman of ETSI Technical Committee ITS – WG3 Networking and Transport.
Andreas Festag received a diploma degree (1996) and Ph.D. (2003) in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University Berlin. As researcher, he worked with the Telecommunication Networks Group (TKN) at Technical University Berlin, Heinrich-Hertz-Institute (HHI) in Berlin, NEC Laboratories in Heidelberg, Vodafone chair Mobile Communication Systems at Technical University Dresden and Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems (IVI).
스마트시티 모빌리티 방향성
이영훈은 건국대학교 신산업융합학과에서 박사과정을 거쳤으며, 한국개발연구원(KDI) 국제정책대학원에서 경영학 석사를 졸업하였다.
2019년 MaaS 관련하여 국토부장관상을 수상하였으며, 2020년 디자인협회 UX 대상을 수상하였다.
1997년에 LG산전 해외사업팀으로 입사하여 도로교통, 철도신호 등 ITS 분야에서 케리어를 시작하였으며 2010년에는 현대카드 제휴마케팅 팀장을 역임하며 하이마트, CJ 등 100만장 이상의 밀리언셀러 카드상품을 출시하였다.
2017년에 현대캐피탈에서 MaaS와 CaaS 사업추진을 위해 설립된 딜카 CIC 대표를 역임하며 현대차그룹의 모빌리티 방향성을 제시하였다.
현재 LGCNS Smart City Business Unit에서 Principal로 근무하여 세종 스마트시티, 부산 스마트시티 사업의 MaaS 및 모빌리티서비스를 총괄하고 있다.
Lee, Younghun completed his doctoral program in the Department of New Industry Convergence at Konkuk University and graduated with a master's degree in business administration from the KDI School of Public Policy and Management. In 2019, he received the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Award for his work related to MaaS, and in 2020, he received the UX Grand Prize from the Design Association.
He started his career in the ITS field, including road traffic and railway signals, when he joined LG Industrial System's overseas business team in 1997. In 2010, he served as the head of the Hyundai Card Alliance Marketing team, launching million-seller card products with Hi-mart, CJ, and others, exceeding 1 million units. In 2017, he served as the representative of the Deal Car CIC, established by Hyundai Capital for the promotion of MaaS and CaaS businesses, and proposed the direction of mobility for the Hyundai Motor Group. Currently, he is working as a Principal in the LG CNS Smart City Business Unit, overseeing the MaaS and mobility services of the Sejong Smart City and Busan Smart City projects.
스마트시티 자율주행 모빌리티 이슈
(현) 아주대학교 교통시스템공학과 부교수
2016-2020 한국교통연구원 스마트시티교통연구팀 부연구위원
2014-2016 (독)Technical University of Munich 연구교수
2013-2014 (미)Florida Atlantic University 연구교수
2013.08 미국 University of Virginia 공학박사 학위
스마티시티 모빌리티 리빙랩
● 경영학 박사(Financial management 전공)- 행동경제학 주제(KOSPI 시장에서 프로스펙트 이론의 준거점 조정에 관한 연구)로 박사학위 받음
● 국제 FRM(Financial Risk Manager)
FRM(Financial Risk Manager)
_ GARP(Global Association of Risk Professionals), 2014.07.05
(현)인하대학교디지털전략혁신센터 센터장 (2020~ 현재)
(현)인하대학교블록체인센터 센터장 (2019 ~ 현재)
(전)행안부 지역사회혁신 정책협의회 위원(2021 ~ 2022)
(현)인천광역시 데이터기반행정 위원 (2023 ~ 현재)
(현)인천광역시 4차산업혁명위원회 위원 (2020 ~ 현재)
(현)사단법인 인천글로벌블록체인이니셔트브(GIBI) 이사(운영위원장) (2019 ~ 현재)
(현)인천권역사회적경제지원센터 프로보노(2019 ~ 현재)
(현)인천 미추홀구사회적경제지원센터 프로보노 (2013 ~ 현재)
(현)중고생 블록체인 수업 & 교재집필 (2019 ~ 현재)
(전)인천광역시 블록체인 정책자문단 자문위원(2019 ~ 2020)
국무총리 표창_제210060호 (2022)
행정안전부 장관 표창_제21-5696호 (2021)
글로벌 모빌리티 컨퍼런스 - 스마트모빌리티 in Urban Environment
Hyungchai Park is the Research Director at the Stanford Center at the Incheon Global Campus (SCIGC), Stanford University’s flagship research center in South Korea. SCIGC conducts interdisciplinary, university-wide research focused on achieving smart city implementation. Among the four research pillars of SCIGC, he leads the "Vehicle & Infrastructure Systems" pillar, which applies data-driven approaches to analyze urban systems and develops technologies for both vehicles and infrastructures with the goal of improving the efficiency, safety, and sustainability of the urban systems. He earned his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University in 2017. His doctoral thesis focused on developing integrated chassis control systems designed to improve vehicle stability and maneuverability under adverse driving conditions. Following his graduation, he worked as a Senior Control Engineer for an automotive startup in Silicon Valley, where he contributed to the development of vision analysis and advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS).
Hyochang Kim is the Research Director at the Stanford Center at the Incheon Global Campus (SCIGC), Stanford University's flagship research center in South Korea. SCIGC conducts interdisciplinary, university-wide research focused on achieving smart city implementation. Among the four research pillars of SCIGC, he leads the "Human-Urban Interaction" pillar, which focuses on the interaction between people and the urban systems they inhabit. He earned his Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from Yonsei University in 2022. Following his graduation, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Engineering Research, Yonsei University, where he developed AI-UI design guides through usability experiments and proposed next-generation display concepts based on industry trends and UX research. Currently, his research focuses on effective interaction methods tailored to specific contexts, with a particular emphasis on AI and Smart Mobility.
1.서울대학교 컴퓨터공학과
2.2020/2023년 CES Innovation Award 수상
3.NCS 자율주행 HMI 모듈 개발 위원
4.KEA 재취업 일자리 과정 수석 컨설턴트
5.서울대학교 AICEO최고 경영자과정 1기
6.현 모트렉스전략개발실,PBV&선행개발실 실장